Sunday, March 6, 2011

White Ranch and Pre-Birthday Celebrating

     Dad, Nick, Buddy, Moe, and I went to White Ranch for a hike today. Nick and I hadn't been for a hike in about a month because we have both been sick. The trail was pretty flat, at first, but turned into a long, steep hill. The sky was dark, gray, and threatening of rain. There was a light, cool wind, but otherwise the temperature was mild. Overall, it was just the butt-kicking I needed. My legs are tired, but I'm glad I got the exercise.

     After, we stopped for a bagel and didn't forget one for the dogs. Later, when Mom got home, we had Papa Murphy's pizza and Girl Scout cookies as an early birthday celebration. Dad burnt me three modern jazz CDs, and they both paid for me to have my hair cut and highlighted last Friday. Thanks Mom and Dad!

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