Thursday, January 26, 2012

What's Wrong with this Picture?

   Recently, I have seen this picture circulating the internet. Often, it is followed by countless snarky comments from men and women about how disgusting and deplorable the women pictured on the top are. I have seen comments not only attacking how these women look, but also, attacking their character. While maybe a couple of them do have questionable lifestyles, who am I, who are you to bring this into question? Likewise, when did bashing women for being skinny become acceptable, while bashing women for being fat is wrong? It dumbfounds me how many people miss the hypocrisy of it.
   There is no question our society has moved to a place where heroin chic is in. As a woman who has spent the majority of her life being overweight, I can understand the need to advocate for healthier expectations when it comes to how the average woman looks. Advocating for a healthy lifestyle and healthy body is never wrong. However, insulting another woman, or ostracizing anyone because they do not look like you, is never ok. It breaks my heart because we should be lifting each other up and finding the beauty that lies within each of us. So, before you judge Keira Knightly, Nicole Richie, or Heidi Montag for being "party girls" or looking "rail thin", just remember the last time you weren't looking your best, or you made a mistake. Would you want to be judged on that one moment, that one unflattering picture for the rest of your life? Let's band together as women, as human beings, and say "It is not ok to defame each other." Let's celebrate the fact that we are all unique and beautiful in our own way.

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