Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sarah Palin: A Politically Irresponsible Fame-Seeker

      While I usually try to stay away from being overtly political, today, I cannot help myself. Yesterday, only a short time after I found out "Sarah Palin's Alaska" would be canceled (as if the oil-drilling, shooting of wolves from a helicopter, woman has any interest in the conservation of Alaska), I found the her name in the news, yet again.
      Yesterday, at a political rally, held at a Safeway in Tuscon, Arizona, Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was the target of an assassination attempt. Rep. Giffords was a key proponent in the passing of "Obama-care". She was shot point-blank in the head. The bullet exited her skull, leaving her in critical condition at a Tucson hospital. Unfortunately, Federal Judge John Roll, did not escape with his life. Judge Roll is known for allowing a lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of Arizona Immigration Bill 1070. This bill made it a crime for immigrants to be in the state illegally, much more it allowed for police officers to stop, arrest, and detain anyone they may "reasonably suspect" of being an illegal immigrant, ie. suspect by their skin color. Along with Judge Roll, five others were fatally wounded, including a 9 year-old girl. In addition to Rep. Gifford, thirteen others were injured and are in critical to serious condition (Denver Post, 2011).
      The assailant was Jared Loughner, a 22 year-old man, who has previously been confronted by the police for making death threats. Also, Loughner has made several threats online. He is known on YouTube for his anti-American and anti-government rants, including one video where the song "Bodies" plays in the background. Police describe him as "unhinged" and "mentally-ill". People who know him unanimously describe him as a disturbed individual. In addition, another man is being sought in the investigation, who was spotted on surveillance cameras nearby when the massacre occurred and is believed to be associated with Loughner (NPR, 2011).
    What does this have to do with Sarah Palin, you may wonder? Here is an image taken straight from Palin's website.

If you notice at the top it reads "Don't get demoralized, get organized. It's time to take a stand." Signature included. I find this choice of words interesting. The words "get organized" to me point to the formation of some sort of Tea-Party motivated militia. However, all speculation aside, the map itself it clear as day. There are cross-hairs placed on what Palin calls "political targets". Fortunately, the website was taken down early this morning (only the guilty run). However, prior to the removal, she listed Rep. Gifford as one of these "political targets", placing the cross-hairs directly over the district Gifford serves.
     I realize blaming Sarah Palin directly for what happened in Arizona would be fallacious. However, I do believe this type of reckless political rhetoric is grossly irresponsible on her part. I'm sure, or I hope, this outcome was not her intention. However, overlooking this type of political discourse would be wrong. At a time when America has become deeply polarized, when political and religious extremists (on every side) are popping up each day, this website is nothing short of dangerous and careless. For someone who grasps at fame and seeks desperately to improve her political status, Palin should really take her words a little more seriously. I am sad to say, she has millions of followers (2.5 million alone on Facebook), and we can bet more than a few are "unhinged" and "mentally-ill". It would not be fair to describe all Sarah Palin fans and Tea-Party members (Tea-baggers) as extremist, gun-wielding, nut jobs. However, you never know who is listening, and Sarah Palin, clearly, did not take this into account. Crazy people will be crazy, but no one, especially not a public figure, should condone or even insinuate the assassination of another. Her political strategy is asinine at best. Not to mention, we are left wondering whether she cares more about being a celebrity or a politician. The coincidence between the massacre in Arizona and her website is blatant and rather appalling. 
    Recently, I have slipped into political apathy. I feel change is too hard to come by. Much more, what can a person like me do? I actually lost sleep last night over this. I vow to do whatever I can to make sure this irrational, uneducated, hypocritical, and fame-whoring excuse for a politician is not elected President in 2012. 

(Note: As of Monday, January 10th, the second man, seen on surveillance cameras, has been cleared of any wrongdoing.)

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