Monday, December 5, 2011

Ghost Pixel

     As I mentioned previously, the Michal Menert show at the Belly Up in Aspen had a very impressive LED rig. It was ideal for showcasing animated clips, which were manipulated live by Tom Ludlow. Ludlow serves as creative director for a team of designers, who produced the clips. The designers include: Brian Long, Zack Citro, Jason Wyatt, John Camalick, Zack Shammy, and Josh Theil. Each of these gifted artists are part of a designer collective called Ghost Pixel. These guys have given motion graphics a more meaningful and prominent role in the live music scene. The vivid, prismatic, and fast-moving visuals helped transform Menert's music into a full-sensory experience. On a personal level, Ludlow has been a good friend of mine for years. He has partly inspired me to pursue an artistic path. I have seen him work hard to manifest his own success. He, and many of the designers on the Ghost Pixel team, graduated from my school, The Art Institute of Colorado. With forward-thinking and artistically innovative minds, Ghost Pixel is a group to keep an eye on.

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