Thursday, April 21, 2011

Photo Restoration

     As an assignment for my PhotoShop class, I attempted to restore a photo from the Civil War. This photo is of Confederate Winter quarters from March of 1862, located in Centreville, Virginia.



Barnard, George N. Centreville, Va. Confederate winter headquarters, south view. c1982. Selected Civil War Photographs from the Library of Congress, 1819-1902. Civil War Glass Negatives and Related Prints. Lib. of Congress. 21 April 2011 .

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wilderness Trekking School - Field Day 1

     On Saturday, I had my first field day for Wilderness Trekking school. Wilderness Trekking School is a basic level course run through the Colorado Mountain Club. We learn a variety of skills: preparedness, map & compass, basic and snow survival skills, first aid, knot tying, etc. This day we started our hike at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder.

     Our group leader, Margaret, led us out on the trail at 9 in the morning. We did not hike too far, but we were out until 2 in the afternoon learning various skills. The hike was still challenging for me because I had my large day pack with my 10 essentials, water, and lunch. I'm sure I over-packed, but in Colorado you never know what the day/weather will bring. Luckily for us, this was a gorgeous day.

   There are 13 of us in my group, with a wide variety of ages and experience levels. Most of the group members are recent transplants from different parts of the country. Actually, I seem to be the person who has lived in Colorado the longest. For one gentleman, from Chicago, this was his very first hike. We all seemed to bond quite nicely, especially those of us who had not signed up with a friend/family member.

     After our hike, we met at the Dark Horse, a dive bar, college-kid hangout in Boulder. We had drinks, an early dinner, and further discussed what was necessary to keep in our day packs. A few of us ladies even decided to hike together outside of the school and plan to meet up again before our next field day in two weeks.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weekend Getaway

     Last weekend, Nick and I, plus about 12 friends stayed in a condo up in Silverthorne. Though Spring has arrived down in Denver, it was still cold and snowy in the mountains. We arrived Friday afternoon, and the weather was really nice. We had lunch at Breckenridge Brewery with a couple of Nick's friends. After, we headed back east towards Silverthorne. We headed up Wildernest Road leading out of Silverthorne, where there are seemingly endless amounts of condos. Finally, we arrived at the Snowscape. We were the first people there. We settled in for a little nap.

    It didn't take long for the first of our friends to show up. We all watched the Rockies game and hung out. After everyone had arrived, our friend Rob made us pizzas. We continued to watch the Rockies into the night (it was a 14 inning game) and played card games.

      Saturday was a bit overcast, and it was incredibly windy and chilly. Most of our friends went skiing, except for Nick, John, Leah, baby Waylon, and I. Nick, Leah, and I went for a walk. I got another nap in after wards, while everyone else went to the hot tub. Once everyone returned home we made tacos for dinner and played more games after.
     On Sunday, we had to leave by noon, so we woke up early to clean. It was snowing hard, and I-70 was snow packed over the pass. This made me pretty glad we were heading back to spring weather. Overall, it was nice to have a change of location for the weekend.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Starry's Wheatgrass

After Starry's lily incident, and ridding our apartment of all plants, we have gone with a healthy alternative. They sell wheatgrass at PetSmart, which is organic and rich with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is great for people and animals alike. Considering her affinity for gnawing on plants, we thought she might like a plant that she is allowed to eat. So, we purchased and re-potted some wheatgrass just for her. Needless to say, she loves it. While wheatgrass can still be harmful if a very large amount is ingested, I am happy to report, she seems to be moderate and lady-like with her eating. We catch her 'trimming' it several times a day and even sometimes for a midnight snack.

Mount Falcon

     Yesterday, Nick and I went back to Mount Falcon. He and I had never climbed the entire mountain before. This time we made it to the top and walked around the meadow. At first, it was cloudy, but the clouds burned off leaving it bright and rather warm by the end of our hike. For about 4 or 5 miles, it was very steep and difficult, but the view at the top was worth it. We hiked about 8 miles overall, leaving our legs a bit like jello by the end. However, I hope for this distance to be kid's stuff in a month or two. We stopped in Morrison for a late lunch after and toyed with the notion of moving to the cute little town.

Deer Creek

     Last weekend, Dad, Buddy, Moe, and I went back to Deer Creek for a hike (Nick had to work). The conditions were much dryer, which was nice. I'm attempting to get in better condition for hiking because I am starting wilderness trekking school next week. It was a nice day, though rather busy on the main hiking trail. The dogs had a wonderful time as usual.

Buddy is hogging the backseat

Nick's Birthday

       The night before Nick's birthday, I decorated our apartment with streamers. Nick claims he does not like to make a big deal of his birthday, but I know that is code for "please, make a big deal of my birthday". He was really happy when he arrived home to the surprise. That night we went out to Cervantes to see a band called The Werks. They are friends of his from Dayton, OH, where he went to college. They even gave him a special birthday 'shout-out' on stage after midnight when his birthday officially began.

      The next day, we both had the day off. I made us breakfast. Bacon, cheddar, mozzarella, and muenster cheese omelets. They were very delicious.  

     After breakfast, we decided to go for a short walk outdoors. We went to Red Rocks Park and explored around for awhile. The weather was sunny and warm. Despite all the tourists, we had a really nice time. It was great to get outdoors and relax a bit.

     After taking a short cat-nap, I made us dinner. I had never tried this recipe before, but it turned out great. We had spinach, ricotta, mozzarella, and asiago stuffed chicken, over linguine, topped with more mozzarella, asiago, and marinara. It was definitely a hit, and I will definitely be making it again.

     For dessert, I made my famous coconut cake, which has coconut and walnuts in the cake, coconut cream cheese frosting, and roasted coconut sprinkled on top. Again, I surprised Nick by adding the candles. Overall, he had a great birthday, and I might've enjoyed it a little too.