Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bear Peak

    The day after Easter Nick had off from work. We decided to head to Boulder and climb Bear Peak per the suggestion of my Dad. We started at the South Mesa Trail head and hiked up the Homestead trail to Shadow Canyon. It was a perfect Spring day. Not a cloud in the sky and the temperature was not too hot. On our way up to Shadow Canyon, we spotted several wildflowers.

Lanceleaf Springbeauty Flower

Wild Plum Flowers

Sand Lily
    The trail offered a steady gain all the way to Shadow Canyon, and once reaching the canyon it became much more steep. Shadow Canyon is exactly as it sounds. It's a rocky canyon shaded by tall evergreens and the Boulder Flatirons, which loomed overhead to the east. Shadow Canyon was only about a mile of our total hike, but it took us the longest. We enjoyed this stretch though and admired the unique rock formations. 

    After reaching the top of the canyon we came to a saddle between Bear Peak and South Boulder Peak. We headed east toward Bear Peak and had another quarter mile or so to the top. As we reached the summit, it became clear that to get to the top we would have to scramble over a pretty treacherous boulder field which was also extremely exposed. It was nerve-racking to say the least, but we both made it to the top safely. While clinging on for dear life, I snapped a few photos. Then, we climbed back down to an open flat spot where had lunch.

Indian Peaks

Nick and Longs Peak

Me and Longs Peak just to my left

Boulder and the Flatirons

    After lunch, we hiked back down Fern Canyon, which was somehow even more steep and rocky than Shadow Canyon. Once out of the canyon, we traveled another 3 miles across the mesa and back to the trailhead. It was a challenging hike, but our improved fitness levels became apparent. Not even once did either of us feel intimidated by the mountain. On the contrary, we dominated Bear Peak without a second thought. However, I will admit we were both very sore the next day, which has not happened after a hike in several months. I look forward to my next opportunity to climb Bear Peak.


  1. Sounds treacherous, but fun! Good for you guys. And the views are gorgeous.

  2. Always love seeing your latest hikes! = ) Beautiful. The weather looked perfect.


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