Saturday, July 9, 2011


My new favorite hobby: glissading. Glissade is a fancy mountaineer word for sliding down snow on your butt. The route we took was so heavily used it reminded me of a giant alpine slide. Our choices were to slide or to walk down the giant, soft snow field. We chose to slide. It was great on saving time and just good clean fun.
From Bottom

From Top
Sean getting ready to slide

     I'll admit I was a bit nervous at first, but this was the popular route down. There was nothing treacherous at the bottom, and people were slowing down with ease. On top of that, everyone seemed to be having a great time, so I went for it. I sat down and let the enormous mountain slide carry me down. I controlled my speed using my feet and my trekking pole. It was chilly and snow was flying everywhere, including in my face. It was such a blast. I almost wanted to climb back up to do it again. "Almost" being the operative word. It was the perfect reward for the exhausting climb up.

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