Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Twas a week before Christmas...

...when all through Jason and Carrie's.
Many creatures were stirring, five of them hairy.
The children opened presents, caution to the wind
While the rest of us had delicious treats to attend.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yeah, we all shine on...

...like the moon, and the stars, and the sun

R.I.P.    John Lennon      10/9/1940 - 12/8/1980


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mikel Thomas Olson : 05/01/1985 - 12/01/2009

One year ago today, a close and dear friend of mine passed away. He was born with a heart defect, but no one ever expected it to take his life. He died in his sleep when a valve in his heart ruptured. He was a wonderful friend and an amazing influence on this Earth. I made a slide show in his memory. Rest in peace, Mikel.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All the Lonely People

This is my most recent project for school. It's an experiment in optical mixing. The objective of optical mixing is to allow the eye to blend the colors together. I used a toothpick and spent many many hours making dots. This piece is titled "All the Lonely People".


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Big Dogs

Today, I went to the stable with my mom to visit her horses. They sure are sweet guys!

Badger & Butch

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Shadowsphere

Last night, Nick, two friends, and I went to the Ogden Theater to see DJ Shadow. He is a world-famous DJ, who's style varies drastically from song-to-song. The amazing thing about this show, besides the music of course, was the projections. DJ Shadow stood inside a rotating sphere (the shadowsphere) made out of projection screens. Also, there was a giant screen behind him. I was truly amazed by the illusion this created. I think taking something as simple as projectors and screens and turning them into 3D animations is incredible! Here are some pictures from the concert, as well as a video for one of my favorite songs.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

South Valley Park

     Today, Nick, Moe, and I went to South Valley park. When we first arrived, there was a stretch of rain and dark clouds over us. However, the wind was gusty and it cleared the sky within 15 minutes. The rest of our hike was very warm and sunny. I am pleased with this long summer. Temperatures are perfect, and I don't want to ruin that with snow. We had a good time, especially Moe.

Nick and Moe the Bulldog

Playing in the tall grass

Tea Kettle

Moe the Bulldog

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Yoga in the City

A few weeks ago, I went to City Park bright and early with my yogi friend, Blythe, and a few others. In Washington D.C., they had a group yoga event which exceeded 1000 people. The goal of Yoga in the City organizers was to get 2000 people. While, I don't think they reached their goal, they still did a great job. It lasted for 2 hours and was pretty technical. I struggled to keep up with the experts, but that's the beauty of yoga, it's all just practice.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blue and Gold - Mt Evans Wilderness

     Last weekend, Nick and I went for a hike in the Mt Evans wilderness. We weren't really planning on a fall foliage hike, but that is certainly what we got. The weather was warm with a nice breeze and not a cloud in the sky. The aspen were changing in full force, and it made for some stunning views.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tour De Fat

     Last weekend, I participated in my 4th Tour De Fat. This was my first Denver tour. I've done two in Fort Collins and one in Austin. Tour De Fat is organized by New Belgium Brewery, out of Fort Collins. This year, Fort Collins set the world record for most bikes in a parade. They had approximately 15,000 riders. While Denver didn't set any records, there were still several thousand participants. I went with a group of friends from CSU, who have all moved down to Denver since graduating. Also, I took a new friend, Brett, from the Art Institute. He just moved from Nebraska and is just barely out of high school. So, I thought it would be a fun experience for him. Being the great artist he is, he took the bike decorating park very seriously, as you can see from the picture. We left City Park at 10am. Police escorted us down 20th Ave, across on Broadway, up 12th Ave to Cheesman Park, and back over to City Park. The tour took about an hour, with a quick stop for a dance party at Cheesman. At the festival afterwards, were an array of different food vendors and New Belgium beer of course. There were two stages with bands and performers. Also, lots of novelty games and bikes to ride around the park.

Downtown Denver and A Taste Colorado

     Two weeks ago, was A Taste of Colorado. It was only about 3 blocks away, so we felt obligated to attend. We went both Sunday and Monday. On Sunday, we met a couple of cool vendors. One was from Santa Barbara, and I bought an organically made dress for $20. Another, from upstate New York, who make clothes from Bamboo. They have some pretty cool stuff and a great slogan: Live the life you love. Love the life you live. After our brief shopping experience, we ate buffalo burgers. Then, we quickly retreated home. The heat and crowds were a little much that day. On Monday, we went down right after opening. There were significantly fewer people and it was cooler. We ate a funnel cake, which was a rare and delicious treat. After, we walked around The Art District aka The Golden Triangle for a little bit. I managed to snap some pictures along the way.

Our building
The Capitol
Civic Center Park
Taste of Colorado
Art Museum
This is a self-portrait. The artist lay on a block of ice naked for many hours while others came to view. 
Left: Newest addition to Art Museum. Front: Denver Public Library. Right: The Cell
My school